Social Media Experts

Social Media Experts brings you years of marketing and customer experience with hundreds of companies and individuals.

We offer various different services and specialties, such as social media management, content management, enhancing PPC and SEO capabilities and many more.

Our main goal is to tailor your social media and marketing strategies to grow your business and increase your internet presence.

We will help you build your audience, gain followers and make a positive impact in your field of expertise, just like we do in ours.

Do Memes Make the Internet a Better Place?

New York Times - "Do these visual messages allow you to laugh about school, friendships or what your parents expect from you? Do they quickly inform you about the news — and make the world less scary? Or do they too often cross the line?"

Social Signals for SEO: Using Social Media for Improving Google Rankings

Digital Agency Network - "Whether you are a small or large business, the power of social media is undeniable to boost your online presence and optimize brand value. Social media platforms allow businesses to interact with new or existing customers increasing customer engagement and loyalty. Any kind of interaction with the audience on social media is named ‘social signal’ which is crucial to get better results in SEO rankings"

Hashtags felt dated and cringeworthy. So why are influencers still using them?

LA Times - "Internet fads tend to have a distinct life cycle. First, the embrace by early adopters and tastemakers, particularly the young. Next, an explosion of popularity leading to inescapable ubiquity. Finally, death by overexposure and a wretched zombie afterlife of continued usage by parents and the terminally uncool".